Contributions to research 1997 / Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales. - volumen I ; 27 cm

1. A revision of the neotropical genus Discopleurus lacordaire (Tenebrionidae: Stenosini). -- 2. The island syndrome in isolated population of a tropical forest rodent. -- 3. Population dynamics of Didelphis marsupialis in northern Colombia. -- 4. Changing reproductive rates in a neotropical forest rodent, Proechimys semispinosus. -- 5. Spacing patterns within populations of a tropical forest rodent, Proechimys semispinosus, on five Panamanian islands. -- 6. Ecological correlates of trap response of a neotropical forest rodent, Proechimys semispinosus. -- 7. The effect of dry season irrigation on leaf phenology and the implications for herbivory in a tropical understory community. -- 8. Ticky point. -- 9. The immature stages of Oxytenis modestia, with comments on the larvae of Asthenidia and Homoeopteryx (Saturniidae: Oxyteninae). -- 10. An annotated checklist of the fishes of Clipperton Atoll, tropical eastern Pacific. -- 11. New species and new records of Smicraulax Pierce 1908 and Cionomimus Marshall 1939 from Central America (Curculionidae Curculioninae Anthonomini). -- 12. Systenotelus , a remarkable new genus of weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) associated witb Carludovica (Cyclantbaceae) in Costa Rica and Panamá. -- 13. Microhabitats and water relations of epiphytic cacti and ferns in a lowland neotropical forest. -- 14. Does mammal community composition control recruitment in Neotropical forests? Evidence from Panama. -- 15. Diversity of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) in scleractinian corals of the Caribbean and eastern Pacific. -- 16. Symbiosis ecology of two Caribbean acroporid corals. -- 17. The functional morphology of Mactrinula reevesii (Bivalvia: Mactroidea) in Hong Kong: Adaptations for a deposit-feeding lifestyle. -- 18. Late Quaternary vegetation, climate and fire history from the tropical mountain region of Morro de Itapeva, SE Brazil. -- 19. Late Quaternary vegetation, climate and fire history of the Araucaria forest and campos region from Serra Campos Gerais, Parana State (South Brazil). -- 20. Modern pollen rain data from the tropical Atlantic rain forest, Reserva Volta Velha, South Brazil. -- 21. Utilization of energy substrates during calling activity in tropical frogs. -- 22. Climate variation and the rise and fall of an Andean civilization. -- 23. Managing a tropical rainforest for timber, carbon storage and
tree diversity. -- 24. Simulating options for carbon sequestration through improved management of a lowland tropical rainforest. -- 25. Courtship behavior of male Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) in captivity. -- 26. Surfing fossil biodiversity data on the World-Wide Web; the Neogene marine biota of tropical America (NMITA) database. -- 27. Foraging performance by Atta colombica, a leaf-cutting ant. -- 28. Server system and queuing models of leaf harvesting by leaf-cutting ants. -- 29. A bibliography of New Sork State ornithology for 1996. -- 30. Habitat associations of coastal birds in Panama. -- 31. A revision of Protophotopsis Schuster (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae). -- 32. Caribbean coastal marine productivity (Caricomp): a research and monitoring network of marine laboratories, parks, and reserves. -- 33. Studies on caribbean coral bleaching. -- 34. Water balance and nutrient inputs in bulk precipitation in tropical montane cloud forest in Panama. -- 35. Fog Interception in montane forests across the Central Cordillera of Panama. -- 36. Transient hovering performance of hummingbirds under conditions of maximal loading. -- 37. Diversity of subcortical arthropod communities in tropical and temperate forests . -- 38. A new tent roost of Thomas' fruit-eating bat, Artibeus watsoni (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in Panama. -- 39. Nemertean predation on the tropical fiddler crab Uca musica. -- 40. Deception: the correct path to enlightenment?. -- 41. Mass spawning by green algae on coral reefs. -- 42. A field guide to the reefs of Caribbean Panama with an emphasis on western San Blas. -- 43. Central America: a natural and cultural history. -- 44. The Forging of Central America. -- 45. Preface.


QH540 / In7 / 1997